Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Winning Arthritis

I discovered the remedy myself of pain caused by arthritis.

I had been suffering from back pain, hip bone pain and the neck pain caused by arthritis for 4 years. In the beginning, the pain attacked in my left hip bone when I was 18 years old. I didn’t know what kind of pain it was.

I used to feel very difficult to move the leg when the pain was in the peak. I couldn’t walk and move properly. I used to cry .The pain used to come suddenly.

It used to attack me twice or thrice in a year. I used to take painkiller tablets and pills according to the doctor’s advise. And used to massage gently with the gels and oils.

The doctor advised me for the blood test. And it was found that the pain was the cause of excess uric acid in the blood. I followed up the instructions to avoid the high protein foods which produce excess uric acid.

I kept on banning the foods like red meats dried nuts, cauliflower, pulse, curd, tomatoes etc. I kept on testing uric acid frequently.

But it didn’t work at all. The pain again came back. As I became older and older the pain started to be back repeatedly and cumulatively. The last 2 years was a very worse time for me.

I consulted so many doctors. I tried their pills pain killer and muscle relaxation pills. Those were temporary. Slowly I started to get pain in my lower back also. I felt difficult to walk properly. All the time I was in pain, sufferings. Mostly it was very difficult to me when I used to change the position and postures. I tried Lumber belt advised by the specialist in arthritis. I tried physiotherapy but problem was still the same. And the level of uric acid remains same.

I was very frustrated with life because I used to be in stress at any time. The situation became worse and worse. I tried the herbal medicines too but they didn’t work at all. I used to search the tips of remedies in the net but in vain
I used to think that I wouldn’t be able to do anything in life because my health was not good. I was unemployed which was another cause to increase stress in my mind. I became the victim of arthritis at the very early age. I was living a painful life. Whenever pain was in peak I used to take painkiller pills. There was not any alternative.

Then I tried yoga and pranayam taught by Swami Ramdev Baba from the Astha channel India Television It helped me a lot but then miracle happened in my life
By the time went I engaged in a job. My work was to talk with the people on the phone for 8 hrs. I needed to be focused on the job very much. I needed to take the training class and lectures related with job.

Suddenly I started to feel comfortable. I used to be so much focused on the job that I could not feel the joint pain at all. I was very much focused with the trainings and the job requirements. Each time I engaged myself in a creative works. Singing, playing guitar, yoga etc. I utilized my every time and didn’t think about the pain at all.

My pain started to become less and less. Then I discovered that when the presence of mind is left from the pain, the pain automatically starts to say good bye.

Actually the reason of my pain was the stress which I used to feel in the mind. And the pain started to take place in my mind and slowly started to attack the skeletal system of the body. Arthritis can attack at any age of life.
But the bottom line is when we start to live the life with pain forgetting it, it is defeated and we will win.

This is a very good experience of discover in my life. Even though I am not completely got rid of pain, I am living my usual, normal and happy life. Now I am optimistic and positive towards life.

The proverb “The necessity is the womb of invention” is proved in my life. I am very happy and proud of myself.

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